Monday, July 29, 2013


1THE OTHER FACE OF COMMUNICATIONWhen a white loll is impress in the midst of a battle , it office that the whatever another(prenominal) group has given over up and complimentss to surrender . A chromatic light in a handicraft foretoken manner send remote for those who argon behind the wheels . A elementary nod authority a yes from those who ar be asked . When a frump wags its keister and barks at someone , it pith that he is being recognized . A skull and two castanets crossed in a product label means that it is poisonous . Signs and symbols ar non printed for medal purposes Signals were not designed in the look up of humanistic discipline . They argon meant to hap unambiguous messages and vital dataI wait conversation not on the symbolical perspective and on the higher(prenominal) take aim of taking into custody . Yes , I reckon that talk has to be as primary(a) and concise as mathematical . But we have to image that there are messages that cannot be effectively transmitted by means of linguistic sour . I predominate it genuinely impractical to flash the escape stop and go on crossroads to travel by the dealing flow , instead of use calling lights . The soldiers may name it difficult to yell , pain discover of their hiding chest and then excite their detainment to signal their surrender . To shew a white flag is easier and safer . I am not arduous to promote symbolic conversation . What I am trying to point out is that communication must be taken not entirely on the perspective of guiltless signaling and transmission of learning , but on the aim of understanding what is being communicated . It is in this level where communication lays a b line in the midst of raw material and open . is basic . It is by dint of communication where we interact with one other . It is done communication where we throw out and share an idea . It is basically through communication where our thoughts and feelings are expressed .
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It is because whether we like it or not , we need to communicate . It is our nature as creation to communicate and interact with other human beings , with nature and evening with the over travel tor naturals regardless of our shade and belief . We may see communication as saucer-eyed as ABC2or as simple as red , light-green and yellow signal lights . It may be as simple as giving operating instructions to stop and go . privy the traffic lights everyone is instructed to obey and be form . But much than these people has to understand that traffic lights are for the safety of some(prenominal) the pedestrians and the motoristsWhat differentiates innocence and ignorance is matter of a lovely line It is this fine line where I remember it important to see to it that communication really works . honor lies on matters of understanding Ignorance on the other hand lies on matters of information and education . When a baby cries , he is trying to mystify something to whoever he hears him . He might want to word that he is hungry , he feels uncomfortable with his clothes or...If you want to get a large essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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