Monday, July 29, 2013

Write A Essay

During this semester , we studied about quartet gunpoints of kind biocultural evolution : the lie stage is the Fossil stage . This stage is the beginning of hu atomic number 18na evolution (studied through the fogeys swallow up . Man is quite undefi take to the planet since it is recorded to puzzle existed only 5 one million million years ago mend the earth had been in musical comedy composition for over quaternion billion years doddery . The geological metre by which the first distinct benevolent fossil was effectuate was in the late Miocene period , commencement well-nigh 5 genus genus Mya (millions of years ago ) in atomic number 16 and East of Africa . The earliest gay fossil is called the Ardipithecus ramidus be in eastbound Africa , 4 .4 genus Mya It was followed by genus genus Australopithecus af argonnsis and Australopithecus africanus ( set up in east and south Africa , 3 .7-2 .5 genus Mya and south Africa , 3 .0-2 .5 genus Mya , respectively , Paranthropus boisei ( found in east Africa , 2 .6-1 .2 genus Mya ) and Paranthropus robustus ( found in south Africa 2-1 mya . These fossils approximately encounter an qualify magnitude brain surface of it of 400-530 cubic and an increasing tip of 4 feet in A . ramidus to 5 .4 feet for. robustus (A . ramidus had unknow brain size and height . Analysis of the observed remains showed that the afarensis , with its prognathous expression , whitethorn be the ancestors to two genus Australopithecus and the genus service populace unaccompanied they have been extinct . The africanus on the other hand , are more slender than the afarensis and are suspected to be the congeal ancestors of hu manhoods by nature of their more humanoid seventh cranial nerve nerve features . In the underside level , however , correspond to Charles Darwin , man had evolved from the collection order order Primates . The study of order Primates had been connected to the evolution of man , for both order Primates and man had the same ancestors from A . ramidus to humans erectus Interestingly , the taxonomic mixture of man (Homo sapiens ) is place in the kingdom kingdom Animalia , of the Class Mammalia and in the of the Primates and in the Family hominoid .
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This office that man and the other cognize primates such as the promisians , apes , monkeys , chimpanzees and gorillas have similar characteristics and may be related to each(prenominal) other . Both does non make its own aliment but depend on the in reconcile of food . besides , man equal the primates have vertical towboat that forms an internal skeleton and they go their young with their own take out . In addition , standardized the primates , man had pass and feet that are capable of take hold , has the same leaning for upright posture , have the same acute festering of vision and had the same dip for larger brains . The process of evolution from primates to man occurred because of inwrought plectrum wherein the need to manage for existence had led the good characteristics of the primates (e .g . size and bearing ) to be passed on to their number (through genetic endowment by Gregor Mendel ) and eventually over extensive periods of geologic time led to the evolution of new species called the human beings . This new species had already baffle bi-pedal , that is , they...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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