Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Evidence Based Practice in Mental Health Nursing

One of the most common and disabling psycho kindred disobliges encountered within amiable wellness and general medical settings is that of an misgiving disorder (Dattilio & deoxyadenosine monophosphate; Kendall 2000). Research has indicated that flock with encyclopedism disabilities are to a greater extent predominate to psychological disorders than the general population (Hassiotis et al 2000) whence it could be hypothesised that prevalence rates of anxiety disorders are equal if non greater within the development disabled population. Professional literary works suggests that cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) has been an effective treatment against anxiety disorder (Beck 1995) however; this literary works has predominately concentrated its focus to within the confines of rational wellness and general medical settings (Dattilio & Kendall 2000). The ability of people with learning disabilities to identify, evaluate and respond to their dysfunctional thoughts and be liefs, funda psychics of CBT (Beck 1995) fork over devote into unbelief the very expenditure of this treatment architectural plan for this event client group (Kroese et al 1997). From a captain and individual(prenominal) perspective and through the utilisation of the Seedhouse (1998) Ethical Grid responding to an anxiety disorder by way of CBT could be considered an ethically acceptable clinical intervention.
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across the country and locally through government directives, Valuing People (Department of Health 2001) and initiatives such as Health Action Plans (Department of Health 2002) services withdraw prize that they need to be more responsive to the mental health needs of people with learning disabilities. As a learning d! isability nurse wishing to ascertain the potentiality of CBT as a practical intervention when presented with the dual-diagnosis of anxiety disorder and learning disability, is through the use of evidence-based practice. When deciding on the outflank affirmable clinical intervention for an identified practice occupation it seams logical to convert the issue into a single answerable question (Colyer & Kamath 1999). Several authors have identified that the use of... If you indispensableness to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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