Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Conflict Diamonds in Sierra Leone

Conflict Diamonds in the sierra Leone urbane War The sierra Leone Civil War began in 1991, initiated by the Revolutionary unify preceding and is said to be fueled by fleck diamonds. The accomplished war saw nearly half the states 4.5 million population displaced and at least 50,000 throng died in the fighting while there are an estimated 100,000 mutilation victims (Gberie, 6). What single-valued function did conflict diamonds play in the civil war of sierra Leone? This composing will address this question and elaborate on the causes of the Sierra Leone Civil War. Introduction Sierra Leone has not evermore been a outlandish of conflict. It began as a British dependency intendedfor the capable establishment of blacks and people of colour, to be shipped as freedmen (Gberie, 18). It was around the cartridge holder of the countrys emancipation in 1961 that Sierra Leone began to key out the onset of conflict. Siaka Stevens a revolutionary and important politi cal habitus defeated the reign prime minister in the 1967 elections. Stevens rule became cognize as the seventeen-year plague of locusts (Hirsch, 29). Stevens instituted a one-sided state against very much protest. The former government was dismantled and replaced with a new armored personnel carrier government hand-picked by Stevens. He unmake and corrupted all institution of the state.
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In 1985, Stevens stepped down to his elect successor, Major public Joseph Momoh. The public was hoping for new drawing cardship by Momohs appointment, save this was not the case. Even after Stevens death, Momoh still failed at exercising effective leadership. Stevens left Momoh t he leader of a country with extreme inequali! ty between the coastal capitol, Freetown, and the symmetricalness of the country. A health survey published in 1978 reported the infant mortality rate for Freetown was 13% lower than the rest of the country; malaria parasites in blood in Freetown was at 4% versus 36.2 for the rest of the country; and feed and significantly lean children was around 16% lower...If you want to add a full-of-the-moon essay, order it on our website:

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