Sunday, November 24, 2013

Parenthood and Childhood-a Psychological Appraisal

PARENT-HOOD AND CHILD-HOOD- A PSYCHOLOGICAL APPRAISAL. Okey Okoroji, B.Sc, OD, PDBA National institute of ophthalmic Sciences, Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital, Malysia. Throughout history mastermind impression of human nature has been consistent; that man has a multiple nature. Most often it has been expressed as a dual nature. It has always been seen as a conflict; a conflict between good and evil, the lower nature and the higher(prenominal) nature, the inner man and the outer man. Psychologists have in the by distinctly observed that as you watch and listen to the great uncouth you tramp see them change before your eyes. There net be simultaneous changes in facial expressions, vocabulary gestures, specialty or body functions, which may cause the face to flush, the unification to pound, or the breathing to become rapid. These abrupt changes can be observed in everyone: the little boy who bursts into tears because of a faulty toy, the teen-age girl whose woef ul face floods with excitement when the send for finally rings, the man who grows pale and trembles because of a alley failure. These individuals are still the same people notwithstanding their dynamic status. Continuous observations have helped psychologists identify three states of being that curl up round in all people viz Parent, Child and Adult.
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The friendship of these states is historic in training and understanding children. Personality is the unique class of behaviour and mental processes that characterizes an individuals inter-reaction with the environment. deal bequeath tend to be almost diametric or same but there is still something that distinguishes one from another. Of the different approaches to pe! rsonality, Freuds psycho driving approach had identified sexual desire and Thanatos as dynamic forces within the individual accountable for the specific psychological characteristics or personality. He went ahead to thread the three levels of consciousness (conscious, pre-conscious and unconscious) and their interplay twain in the...If you want to depart a full essay, tramp it on our website:

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