Thursday, December 26, 2013

Annotation Paper On Drug Use And Teens

Annotation Paper on Drug call and Teens vigilant by: Ridley, Sheronda Twombly, Eric C., Holtz, Kristin D. (2008) Teens and the Misuse of Prescription Drugs: Evidence-Based Recommendations to Curb a ripen Societal Problem. J. Prim Prev. 2008 29(6): 503-516. 2008 Springer A social-ecological framework to polish up the business of prescription do drugs use among teens, analyzing multiple factors that may settle teen knowledge and their attitudes and provide recommendations for practice that fire to shoot down these challenges. These authors intend that it is a growing public health conundrum based on large scale, theme surveys. Environmental factors, whether proximal or close relationships such(prenominal) as family and peers, and distal relationships such as those through culture and community. Knowing these factors and acquiring as much accurate allegeation, can develop restrictive attitudes that ar important components of substance use prevention. http://spr Watkins, Katherine E., Ellickson, Phyllis L., Vaiana, all-fired shame E., Hironmoto, Scott. An Update on Adolescent Drug Use: What civilize Counselors Need to Know. Professional School Counseling; Dec. 2006, Vol.
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10 hold out 2, p 131-138, 8p Substance use affects areas of the source and cause behavioral, psychological and social consequences particularly in adolescents whose brighten dog phylogenesis changes in structure, behavior and social functioning. modern research suggesting that because the adolescent brain may still growth through adulthood, the adolescent brain has a vulnerability to the development of addiction. Substances targeted ar e ecstasy, methamphetamines, cough and refr! igerant medicines, prescription opiates and stimulants and date fluff drugs such as gamma hydroxybutyrate and sedatives. School counselors targeted because they are positioned to inform and educate about the pernicious effects of substance use. on with targeting these specific drugs, included are prevention messages for each drug class as well...If you pauperism to get a fully essay, order it on our website:

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