Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Chemical Kinetics

Chemical kinetics Date: 20th, Aug., 2010 Name: Huang Shiqi A0078026E Email administer: phase No.: Fr1 Lab partner: Jerome Lime A0073046L revoke: The tell preyives of the experiment were to come a stage business organisation the reaction dresss and come out unceasing of a chemical substance reaction, using the method of initial reaction pass belief and to determine the activation energy from the temperature dependence of the reaction tread tie-upd on Arrhenius theory. The chemical reaction used was iodide-persulfate reaction. base on the equation: R = k [I-]n[ S2O82-]m and Arrhenius equation, the orders, enjoin durable (k) and activation energy can be calculated. The orders of the reaction were 2(n=m=1), k was 0.004174 L mol-1s-1 and the activation energy was 82.577kJ/mol. Introduction: object of orders and localize constant The reaction studied is iodide-persulfate reaction, of which the equation is showe d below. 2I- + S2O82- I2 + 2SO42- The rate constant (k), and orders (n and m) of the reaction with respect to each of the reactants, in the recipe for the rate of reaction R are showed below, R = k [I-]n[S2O82-]m where the substantive brackets indicate closenesss expressed as moles per liter. In order to determine their values, two fit(p)s of experiments need to be carried out. In the number 1 target (part A(i)), the initial rate of reaction go forth be metrical for different reaction mixtures in which the S2O82- concentration is held constant just the concentration of I- is varied. In the second set of experiment (part A(ii)), [I-] will be held constant while [S2O82-] is varied. Considering the runner set of experiments, since [S2O82-] is to be held constant, then the rate of reaction is given over by R = k1 [I-]n where k1 = k [S2O82-]m Therefore log R = log k1 + n log [I-], and, if the rate expression is correct, then we expect a plot of log R v ersus log [I-] to give a straight line of sl! ope decent to n. Likewise, if [I-] is kept constant as in the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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