Saturday, February 8, 2014

Legalizing Drugs: A Stance For Consideration

Lind 1 Kara Lind Professor C. Spence Outline, Persuasive Speech October 13, 2008 Legalizing Drugs: A view for Consideration So outlying(prenominal) this year, about one and a half million hoi polloi were arrested for Drug Law Offenses. Six hundred yard were arrested for hemp or marijuana uprightness offences. Since December 31, 1995, the U.S. prison existence has grown an average of 43,266 inmates per year. About 25 per cent atomic number 18 sentenced for drug law violations. someone is arrested for violating a drug law every 17 seconds. The contend on Drugs is a study economic issue in the United States. This war has make nothing better. In fact, it has b een a disaster. It costs a percentage of money, it does a lot of damage, and it does not have much picture on either the every(prenominal)ow for or the demand for drugs. the States needs to legalize drugs so that we disregard focus on and address the real issues of why the wide unwashed argon victimization them in the first place. The barbarous market place must(prenominal) be eliminated. Legalizing drugs would massively reduce crime. the States must recruit its rights and responsibilities. Prohibition does not work. There would not be a criminal market place if drugs, all drugs including designer drugs, were legal. In an article titled, 10 Reasons to Legalize Drugs it express that The market for drugs is demand-led and millions of people demand banned drugs. Crime would be reduced tremendously. or so of the violence associated with Lind 2 illegal drug dealing is shitd by its illegality. Drugs be being calamitous in from out of the country and they are being lawlessly sold on the streets. If ! drugs were legal, this would not be happening. As with alcoholic drink laws, people would not be tempered as criminals unless the drugs cause them to act as a criminal. For example, drive under the influence...If you motivation to get a full essay, parliamentary procedure it on our website:

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