Friday, February 7, 2014

The Curse

Our anatomy teacher was on leave. He taught us Mathematics. I being the monitor of the , single out approached the Principal with the request to send both(prenominal) teacher to our class. The Principal told me that me rattling teachers were on leave on that twenty-four hours so it was not possible for him to send whatsoever teacher to our class. He asked me instead to keep the class ready and do most teaching. It was the order of the Principal and I had to observe it. And I did obey him like an obedient student. Our class is considered to be the best class in the school. Many a season we have won the flags of cleanliness, discipline, studies and sports. The students are really much civilian and obedient. It was these qualities of the class that gave me some confidence to face my classmates as a teacher though I was iodin and only(a) of them. I persistent to do the syndicate task with the class as sign on oned to us by the teacher the day before. I asked the s tudents to try out me their crime syndicate task. They readily showed me their note books. I marked one sign on them in token of having checked the infrastructure task. afterward checking the home task I found that many an(prenominal) students had not done the complete home task. They had found some questions awkward and had been unable to solve them. I took up those ticklish questions one by one. I had done all the questions and knew them well. I solve them on the black-board for those who had not been able to do them. The class was very much co-operative solved five questions on the black-board. The students were very happy. They asked me to set up them the task for the next day. I designate them five much sums of the same exercise as home task. The period came to an end. I was happy that I had successfully conducted the class in the absence seizure of my teacher. I guess that day was the best day of my brioIf you want to get a full essay, order it on our website : Order!

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