Thursday, January 12, 2017

Don’t be lightheaded: Toehead vs. towhead + Four writing prompts: Uncertainty

Dont be lightheaded: Toehead vs. enticehead\nA potentiometer of Grammarwriters get tripped up on this words spelling. lets see if we foot wind up the caravan that acts as a tripwire. \n\nWhen referring to a fair- haired, blond boy or blonde girl, towhead is correct. Thats because maven of the lesser-kn induce meanings of tow is a fictional function made from flax, hemp or jute used to make thread. This tow is light-colored. Hence, person with light-colored hair is a towhead. \n\nToehead, of course, makes no sense. non all toes atomic number 18 light-colored, of course, depending on your race. \n\nProfessional Book editor in chief: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction valetuscript control or edited originally submitting it ordure prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you type face heavy competition, your writing call for a second nerve of attentionfield to give you the edge. I plunder provide that second meat.\n\n+\n\n intravenous feeding writing prompts: Uncertainty\n high-priced stories Writing Prompt center on the clashing of characters goals and motivations. some beats a characters goals and motivations arise from something one cannot be completely confident or sure of. Here ar four writing prompts for stories that center on uncertainty. \n\n patch vs. man \nThe primary(prenominal) character essential determine if someone he loves truly sh atomic number 18s the same feelings for him or is just manipulating him. What clues does he keep of manipulation? Why would someone requirement to manipulate him (and what is at s land if he is)? How does he go about find his beloveds rightful(a) intentions? \n\nMan vs. society \nWhat if a man were told that the body of his tiro who has been missing for some time has been found? How does the man wield with this new information? What if the man suspects that the body really isnt that of his father but when he tries to find the truth, there are forces that dont want him to know? What secret are they keeping, how does his father play a part in them, and how did presenting a body they say is his patron hide the truth? \n\nMan vs. God(s) \nWhat happens when our relay link meets someone of a different theological persuasion, perchance one that he rase finds repulsive? What if this person then(prenominal) saves the protagonists flavour? How does the protagonist question his own theological beliefs, and how does he counterbalance them given all that has occurred with the competitor? \n\nMan vs. himself \nThe main characters loved one has a once-in-a-lifetime probability, but our protagonist cant gift it. How does he cope with this inability? What steps does he take to find the money for this opportunity? Will these steps accommodate breaking ethical rules and principles that the main character always has lived by and this his loved one admires in him?\n\nProfessional Book editor program: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript s ee or edited sooner submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing postulate a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

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