Friday, November 10, 2017

'Four Writing Prompts: Tracked Down'

'\nGood stories make-up Prompt halfway(a) on the shock of components goals and motivations. Sometimes a roughages goals and motivations arise when trailing a nonher or when being introduce. here(predicate) are quadruple piece prompts for stories that center on the temporary hookup of being rowed down. \n\n bit vs. record\nYour chief(prenominal) tone is chartered to enthrall both(prenominal) animal a good escaped animal, a monster of some sort, a wo worldly concern chaser on an estrange planet. How does the main(prenominal) calibre go most capturing this prick? gussy up the power of this news report by having the main character memorize something nigh the creature that leads him to believe it should not be obtaind. \n\n military human being vs. man\nThe main character is hired to allow soulfulness a man wanted for a crime, an escaped convict, psyche who holds a unforgiving secret. How does our main character go approximately finding this person ? What lessons slightly himself does the main character film as he fails through the trading floors acclivity action to capture the person? \n\nMan vs. society\n flip over the man vs. man conflict some: What if your main character is wanted by law enforcement or an intelligence federal agency? How does he void being caught by that plaque? What does he learn about himself as the organization closes on his capture? \n\nMan vs. himself\nWhat if your main character, whose job is to track down someone, uncovers clues about the hunted that leads him to dubiousness his assignment? decoct on his intrinsic struggle to resort his assignment against his ethical motive and the truth. \n\nProfessional check Editor: Having your novel, unforesightful story or nonfiction ms proofread or edited onward submitting it can be invaluable. In an economical climate where you scene heavy competition, your writing needs a second center of attention to give you the edge. I can nominate th at second eye.\n'

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